
Our Constitution
Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) has been in existence since 1922, putting on shows for the enjoyment of members and our audiences in the local community.
The informality of our organisation has been and remains one of our strengths, but our success has bought assets and responsibilities that demand some written guidelines that all participants can understand.
This document sets out a framework of rules within which the members have agreed to work. It defines our aims and objectives, how we govern ourselves and our activities to achieve these and what would happen to our assets if the group ever folded.
The aim of Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) is to promote amateur theatre and provide amateur entertainment in the local community.
• To present two performances each year in the Village Hall
• To participate in the annual Marchington Village Festival in June with a performance in the Festival Marquee
• To encourage and support the involvement of children and young people in performances
Anyone in the local community of Marchington and surrounding area may join the society. There is a small annual fee for individual or family membership
Members are invited to become involved by participating in or assisting with performances in any capacity, e.g. acting, set-building and scenery, sound and lighting or as part of the stage crew team.
New members are invited through advertisements and publicity. Governance
Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) shall hold an Annual General Meeting in January of each year. The agenda shall always include as a minimum:
• Approval of the minutes of the previous AGM
• Matters arising from the previous AGM
• Election of the Committee
• Discussion and approval of the annual accounts
• Appointment of the Directors for the performances for the following year
• Review of the society’s Safeguarding and Equality Policies and Procedures • Any other business
The Committee
The committee may have any number of members but as a minimum there shall be a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
The committee may co-opt other members of the group to join the committee for particular purposes.
The committee shall meet as frequently as necessary for the smooth preparation of performances.
Safeguarding Policy
Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) recognises its duty of care under the Children and Young Persons Act 1963, the Child (Performances) Regulations 1968, The Protection of Children Act 1999 and the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000. The society’s Safeguarding Policy is set out in detail at Annex A to this constitution. When it is deemed necessary, Directors and Producers of shows involving children are encouraged to submit to CRB checks.
Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) shall have a bank account, which requires one signature for the withdrawal of money and the payment of bills. The signatory shall normally be the Treasurer but the Chairman may authorise alternative or additional signatories through the bank.
Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) shall appoint an auditor for each new financial year.
The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet and a profit and loss account for each year ending 30th November for audit and subsequently for presentation to and approval by the Annual General Meeting.
The Treasurer shall ensure that Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) holds adequate insurance for Public Liability, Property and Money at all times.
The Treasurer shall advise the Committee on the state of Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) finances at committee meetings.
Dissolution of Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.)
In the event that Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) dissolves itself or in any other way ceases to exist, all funds and other assets shall be transferred to registered charities or not-for-profit organisations within the village, as agreed by the committee.
Amendment of the Constitution
This constitution may only be amended by a resolution presented to and approved by the Annual General Meeting.
Mr Ian Morgan, Chairman, Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) Mrs Caroline Knapton, Secretary, Marchington Amateur Dramatic Society (M.A.D.S.) Reviewed January 27th 2018
Annex A: Safeguarding Policy